DreamCell® Technology: Inside the Perfect Mattress for Every Body Type
No sleeper is exactly alike, and your personalization options when it comes to your bed should be designed to reflect that. Every other aspect of your daily life wasn’t created to be one-size-fits-all; shoes, clothing, careers; so why should you settle for anything less when your quality of sleep is at stake?
At Reverie, we’ve taken years of sleep science research and combined it with revolutionary mattress technology to create our signature DreamCells. These small but mighty foam springs offer completely customizable comfort, making a Reverie mattress the first of its kind to be 100% suitable for every body type. Let’s dive in.
What is a DreamCell?
Each Reverie mattress is filled with plenty of these moveable foam springs, with over 200 of them inside our Queen size or larger beds. DreamCells are made in four firmness levels: extra soft, soft, medium, and firm. Each mattress has a set number of springs in all four densities, and they can be arranged in detailed patterns to match different body types and health conditions! You and your partner can enjoy support where you want it, and cushion where you don’t.

How can DreamCells work for my body type?
When you choose a Reverie mattress, our Sleep Specialists consult with you before custom-building your mattress in Soft, Medium or Firm on your side of the mattress, and the same for your partner. Most people are perfectly comfortable with these arrangements and never change them–however, if you have specific pain points or a unique body type (for example, super tall, petite, over 300 lbs.), you have the option to tweak it further! Simply unzip the mattress whenever you want, and rearrange the DreamCells to adjust the firmness. If you have a sore back, you could swap out the pre-arranged springs in the back area for yellow or green springs to offer more support. If you like it cushy where your head is, you can swap out the springs there for pink springs. All the DreamCells you need are already in your mattress; it’s just a matter of moving them around.
Why does it matter if my bed is customizable or not?
Every body type has unique requirements in order to feel your best and most comfortable. Those with specific joint or muscle pain can benefit greatly from varying levels of mattress firmness! Choosing a bed that adapts to your needs helps ensure that you and your body can get the optimal rest to remain healthy in the long run. This can also come in handy for life changes like pregnancy or surgery! Ready to start sleeping better today? Let’s make your bed.